Friday, July 25, 2014

How to help Spain and Portuguese Universities to attract a large number of students

Until October world wild students will be searching for a University to study  and they will make the choice according to different criteria

Because of this in order to help  Spain  and Portugal  to attract more students ,and in the same time get millios of euros  in know how and transfer industries which can be combined with toruism activities

we  had  created different projects which can offer students possibilities to get money ,in 5 differents ways while they will be studing in a Portuguese  or Spain  University

Given that Portuguese  ,Universities  and business schools are  relativly so low ranked, in the contest of a   external image deficit ,Portugal   Universities and Businesses schools must

adopt such a strategy  not just to motivate a large number of foreign students to choice Portugal   as a country to study but also to create better notoriety both for the Universities and the  country
In what is concerned Spain he have well ranked businesses scholl but unfortunatly because they do not present solutions to solve Spain econoic problems ,those businesses scholls are loosing credibility

Using this stratagy gived by this project  a large number of world wild students will choice to study in Portugal  and Spain  and in the same time Portugal  and Spain  Universities will help their country in a branding Nation process because after Portugal and Spain  economic problems  if the two countries will not start a rebranding process for more than 15  years citizens ,entrepreneurs ,the economy and the countries will suffer

How Portugal  and Spain  Universities will contribute in those positive process ?
For example

1) Because of Portugal  and Spain  economic  problems  a large number of strategics investors had left the country ,and now others are avoiding to invest in Portugal  and Spain

Given that without massive foreign investment  Portugal  and Spain will never solve problems which are affecting peoples lives     in order to help Portugal  and Spain  to attract a large number of strategics investors  we had done the folloing thing

As we know that strategics investors are hunger for profit  which can be made in very short time  afdter some specific researches we had created a list of Business opportunities which bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days ,

 given that is very important to make a large number of strategics investors to know about those business opportunities we had created a platphorma  through what students will promote those businesses opportunities  and get money

2) Taking into consideration  that at a certain moment we will present conferences about those business opportunities and combined those events with touristics products ,we will write contents about those issues By this occasion in order to make those contents to become more accesibile to entrepreneurs we will select and prepare students who will make post casts and video

3) As by this occasion those who will make  those video will become well know they will make special course and become conferences presenter
4) As beford the conferences we will organise a show  by this occasion we will help students to valorise their talent and win money in a project financed by Europe Union because such a project will generate a link as

""University X and EU will help you to valorise your talent and win cash money ,""

Given that Europe Union have a big image problem because European citizens are revolted and ready to take strong actions ,this project will  help Europe Union to achieve strategics goals and because of this Europe Union will finance it by priority This is a very important project because it will help a Portuguese and Spain  University to be very well know in different EU countries and attract students tourists and investors

5) Apart of this given that  Europe Union needs to achieve specifics goals in Moldavia ,Ucraine and Georgia and in Portugal  and Spain there is a big community of Ucranians living there ,by this ocassion in a separate project also financed by Europe Union we will implement a project with the major scope to   make the link "University X and EU will help you to valorise your talent and win cash money ,""

 which will be published in Rusian language to reach dozens of computers from Moldovia ,Georgia ,Ucraina

At this occasion we will have also a scope to atract a big number of Ucraine richies tourists who used to  spend holydays in Crimea to visit Portugal  and Spain  ,partecipate in diferent conferences which will be organised both in Portugal and Spain and in the region Madeira ,Acores ,Canarias islands

6) Given that those conferences will be combined with touristics products students will get money in different ways For this purpose in a separate projects which will be also finaced by Eurtope Union we will prepare those who will become a conference presenter ,those who will present art and entertainment moments etc

7) Apart of those different ways to get money as after the know how transfer events it will be published ebooks ,tools apps ,students will give students possibilities to work in multimedia and digital science production


Given the strategic importance of this project in the first step beford we send those informations to different Portuguese and Spain  Universities we had presented this project to Portugal and Spain Government  Governments ,political parties ,

In order to implement those projects

1) In the first step in order to attract a large number of strategic investors and entrepreneurs to a bank website we can write contents about those and different others economic issues in a Greek and Cyprus bank website
2)In the same time given that until October is very important for Portugal and Spain  Universities  to attract students ,and at a certain moment we will organise know how transfer events  about those issues and give students possibilities to win money in 5 differents ways ,by this occasion in order to help an University from Portugal  and another from Spain  to attract a large number of student

we can wriite contents about  how those projects will bring advantages for students and help them to get money in 5 different ways


According to this project concept after we will wrrite those contents we will send an informations to  Portugal and Spain  chamber of commerce and business organisations etc

Like this we will help Greece and Portuguese  to demonstrate that this project apart of offering students different possibilities to work part time and get money it will also help them to be well conected with entrepreneurs and help them to achieve different goals ,make business and get hig profit in very short time
,implement different econnomics models whic wil be tested in Spanish  and  Portuguese Universities etc

After this in order to demonstrate that this project is not helping just  Portugal  and Spain   we will writte contenst which will present viable solutions to solve grave problems which are affecting different EU countries and the send an invitation to chamber of commerce of those countries to follow those contents

By this occasion  in order to make the contents to become more interactive we will select and prepare students who will prezent video about them

Given that  those who will present the video will become well known in very short time we will make a special course for them in order to become conferences presenter
Taking into consideration that all those things will motivate students to study in  Portugugal and Spain  by this ocassion this project will help Portugal  and Spain  to achieve differents goals

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