Friday, July 25, 2014

How to help Portugal and Spanish banks to get more than 70 000 new clients in less than 7 months

Portugal and Spanish  banks can get more than 70 000 new clients in less than 7 months and create in the same time a large number of well payed jobs

How this will be possible ?

In the first step as i had presented in this link i had created a  list o business opportunites which can bring more than 25% profit in less than  75 days and identified different economics area where money invested monday will start to bring high profit in friday

Given that a large number of world wild investors will like to know more informations about those business opportunities we will do the following thing

1) We will publish a document with a parte of informations strategics investors will need to know Given that when they will download the document they will leave an email adress ,we will create a world wild data base with strategics investors ,entrepreneurs ,companies ,and richies people
2) In order to justify in a positive way this acction we will create a Portuhgal  business Club ,Spain  Business Club ""
3) After this we will start to have a special communication with the menbers of those  businesses clubs and send them very important informations  they need for different businesss scopes
At a certain  moment they will know that as a menber of this club in order to  take benefit from different advantages they will have to  oppen a new bank account in a Cyprus and Greece bank


Project nr 2

Given that is very important to make a large number of  world wild strategics investors to know about those advantages we had created a platphorma though what Portuguese ,Spanish  students ,professionals ,diaspora will promote those businesses opportunities and get cash money

By this occasion we will create a Portuguese  and Spanish  student Club and help Portuguese  and Spanish banks to get dozens thousands of new clients This project will be financed by Europe Union and it will have a major scope to help  EU banks to
1) Atract more investors to EU
2Motivate entrepreuners to get credit
3) Help EU banks to get new clients


In order to implement those projects

1) In the first step in order to attract a large number of strategic investors and entrepreneurs to a bank website we can write contents about those and different others economic issues in a Portuguese  and Spain  bank website
2)In the same time given that until October is very important for Portuguese   and Spain Universities  to attract students ,and at a certain moment we will organise know how transfer events  about those issues and give students possibilities to win money in 5 differents ways ,by this occasion in order to help an University from Portugal  and another from Spain  to attract a large number of student

we can wriite contents about  how those projects will bring advantages for students and help them to get money in 5 different ways

After we will wrrite those contents we will send an informations to chamber of commerce from different countries ,business organizations etc

Then in order to make the contents to become more interactive we will select and prepare students who will prezent video about them

Given that  those who will present the video will become well konwn in vevry short time we will make a special course for them in order to become conferences presenter
Taking into consideration that all those things will motivate students to study in Portugal  and Spain  by this ocassion this project will help Portugal  and Spain  to achieve differents goals

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