Friday, July 25, 2014

How to help Portugal Spain tourism to have a fantastic economic growth

Portugal  and Spain have a greate potential to develop their know how transfer industries and combined such events with specific touristics products
which can be organised

both in Lisboa ,Porto ,Madrid  ,Barcelona ,some other important cities and also in Madeia Acores ,Canarias Islands

Like this different world wild companies ,institutes will send their

delegate ,top managers to assit at those events and pay a large amount of money both for know how transfer events and touristics service Using this strategy Portugal and Spain tourism will have a fantastic economic grow because by this ocassion they will

 atract a large number of those who have money disponibility to spend it and influence in their country and in Europe Union

For this purpose i Alberto Rodrigues beford i had decided to present Spain and Portugal Governement and political  parties this business concept i had made researches about majors problems which are affecting different EU countries

In order to understand why different Eu countries will send their delegates to assit at those events you can follow this link and see how grave are the problems which are affecting  the respectives countries

Because of the gravity of such problems     when we will organise such events they will send their delegate ,top managers to assit at tem those pay a large amount of money and then download ebooks ,tools ,apps which will be published by this ocassion

Given that  things will be done in such a way in very short time to reack  more than 70 millions downloads with 20 euro that it means Portugal and Spain will get  in a short time more than a billion euro

Apart of those greate economic advantages  by this ocassion it will be creat jobs in tourism ,transport ,constructions ,food industries ,agriculture ,ecological industires ,commerce ,service ,new media ,entertainment ,research activities , multimedia production ,artesanat advertising ,digital economy and different other economic activities which have a direct or indirect link with those


For this purpose in order to attract group of tourists from Germany ,France ,Italy ,Austria ,Belgium ,Luxembourg ,who have money and disponibilty to spend them we had done the following thing

 In the first step we had identified a big problem which are affectig those countries and which are making billions euro to go out from EU and milllions people to loose their jobs Given the gravity of the situation and the fact that a large number of professionals  from

Germany ,France ,Italy ,Austria ,Belgium ,Luxembourg who will loose their jobs are revolted ,when they will know that we will organise conferences about the problems and present solutions to solve it they will come to Portugal  and Spain  to assit at those conferences Until then we will have to collaorate with a Portuguese and Spain  Universities in order to create specifics tourists products which will be combined with the know how transfer events

For this purpose we can create an economic session in a University website  in order to inform Portuguese  and Spanish  entrepreneurs what must be done in order to create such touristics products

 In a separate section we can  prepare professionals ,young graduate  and students who will present  10 -15 minutes conferences about certain important themes


Project nr 2

Given that strategics investors are hunger for profit we had created a list of Businesses opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days Taking into consideration that world wild companies ,entrepreneurs will like to know about how they can take benefit from those advantages ,we will organise conferences   ,about those and different others econommic issues
Apart of those events we will organise some others with the major scope to teach   Portuguese Spanish  ,,Romanians ,Bulgarians,African ,Latin American students ,professionals  how to use  a sophisticated digital platphorma to promote

1) Businesess opportunites which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days
2)Know how transfer events
3) Touristics products which will be combined with the know how transfer events
4) Ebooks tools ,apps ,which will be published after those events

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